What is Histogram?
→ The Histogram is a bar chart that represents the frequency distribution of given data.
→ Histogram is the one of the most important tool of 7 QC Tools.
→ The 7 QC tools is one of the most famous Problem Solving and Process improvement.
→ You can also refer to the Lean Six Sigma Project Charter Excel Template.
→ Histogram helps us to identify the variation in the process.
→ The Histogram automatically display as per the data points.
→ Also, You can check here, Different Six Sigma Project Templates Download
→ As we entering the more data, it will lead to more accurate conclusion.
→ Also, this is an editable template so you can modify this template as per your requirements.
→ Our 7 QC Tools templates include Pareto Chart, Scatter Diagram, Histogram, Check Sheet, Control Chart, Cause and Effect Diagram Excel template, and Flow Chart.
Example of Histogram
→ Now we will refer the below Example of Histogram.
→ In this example, we have entered the different data for your better understanding.
→ This template allows you to enter up to 40 data points.
→ You can replace data with your process or inspection data in yellow highlighted cells.
👉 Get Histogram Excel Template
Three Important Points to Use this Template
→ You need to take care of below three things during the usage of this template.
1) You need to enter values only into the Yellow Highlighted Cells
2) You need to ensure that the sum of frequency (Cell No-G25) is equal to the total count (Cell No-G7). Let us take one example in this example the sum of frequency is 40 and the total count is also 40 both are match so the Histogram is ok for use.
3) If the sum of frequency and the total count is not match then we need to change the No. of Interval (Cell No-G8) until the Total count is match with the sum of frequency
Different Types of Histogram
→ The histogram has different names based on the its different pattern generate by data entering the graph.
→ Some of the most common pattern mentioned below.
- Normal Distribution
- Skewed Distribution
- Double-Peaked or Bimodal
- Multimodal Distribution
- Edge Peak Distribution
- Truncated or Heart-Cut Distribution
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