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GRR Study Excel Template Download

What is GRR Study?

→ GRR Study is also known as the Gauge R&R Study.

→ The full name of GRR Study is Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility Study.

→ This is a part of variable MSA study. MSA stands for the measurement system analysis.

→ MSA is very famous in an automobile domain.

→ This study helps us to identify about the capability of the appraiser and measuring instrument.

→ In very simple way we can say that this study is very useful to determine the accuracy of the measurement system.

→ Measurement system is the combination of the measuring instrument and the appraiser.

→ Appraiser is the person who perform the GRR study.

→ GRR Study is the standard method within the manufacturing sector.

→ Also, You can check here, Different Six Sigma Project Templates Download

Example of the GRR Study with Excel Template

→ Refer to the below example of the GRR study.

→ In this example we have taken 3 appraiser and the 10 parts.

→ Each appraiser will perform the 3 times measurement for all 10 parts in ascending, descending, and random order.

 → For detailed rules for performing GRR Study refers to the AIAG MSA Manual.

→ This template is very easy to use and very impressive and editable.

→ Also, very attractive graphs are also added into this template.

→ This template contains multiple excel worksheets and navigation links are provided to all pages to navigate between all work sheets.

Example of GRR Study Excel Template

➨ Gauge R&R Study template contains below sections

  1. Setup Information
  2. Data Entry
  3. Results
  4. Bias & Consistency Charts
  5. Ave & Range Charts
  6. Critical Values
  7. d2star Table

1) Setup Information

→ In this section we need to enter all the basic setup details for the Gauge R&R Study.

→ This information contains basic details such as Date, Units of Measurement, Prepared by, Gage Name, Characteristic of Measurement, Appraiser A Name, Gage Type, Specification, Appraiser B Name, Gage Number, Test Number, Appraiser C Name, etc 

GRR Study Setup Information

2) Data Entry

→ After the entering basic setup details we need to enter the data into the In data entry sheet.

→ This sheet contains the provision of entering3 appraiser, 10 parts 3 trials details.

→Also, Individual average, part average, individual range, and part range formula given for automatic calculation.

→ Also, you will find the navigation link for previous and next sheet.

→ You can also refer to the Lean Six Sigma Project Charter Excel Template.

3) Results

→ After data entry, now its turn of result sheet.

→ In result sheet, we have pre-defined formula for automatic calculations of all parameters that is required such as equipment variation, appraiser variation, Part Variation, Repeatability & Reproducibility (GRR), Total Variation, etc.

GRR Study Result

4) Bias & Consistency Charts

→ In this excel sheet you will get automatically constructed different charts based on the data input into the data entry sheet.

→ There are two different charts are available the 1st one is appraiser Bias, and second one is appraiser consistency

Gauge RR Study Bias Chart

5) Ave & Range Charts

→ After Bias & Consistency Charts we have Ave & Range Chart Excel work sheet.

→ In this chart we can easily study about the average chart and range chart of the trials.

→ All charts are automatic so we just need to enter the data into the data entry sheet and we will get the chart automatically.

GRR Study Average and Range Chart

6) Critical Values

→ In Critical Values sheet there are all critical necessary values are given.

→ Critical values are taken for the various calculations

→ All these values are depends on Appraisers, Number of trials, and k = # of measurements per trial (m x n)

GRR Study Critical Value

7) d2star (d2*) Table

→ In d2star Table sheet, the constant value of the d2* is given.

→ This value is also depends on the number of trials, number of parts, and number of operators.

Gauge R and R Study D2 Star Table

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