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What is the IFS function in Excel

 What is the IFS function in Excel?

→ The MS Excel IFS function helps us to test multiple conditions in a single function cell.

IFERROR Function checks about the different errors like #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME? or #NULL.

→ The IFS function is the new method for nesting the if function.

→ Also, You can visit here: the regular Nested If condition in Excel with Example

→ The IFS Function is a very easy and quick method for nesting if function.

→ One drawback of this function is that we can not mention the ELSE condition with this function.

→ The IFS function is a built-in function in Excel

→ We can put this function into the Logical Function Category.

How to use the IFS function in Excel?

→ This function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.

What is the return value of the IFS function?

→ IFS function returns 0 (zero) if we do not mention anything in the syntax of the IFS function.

→ For better understanding we will refer to the different examples that are mentioned below.

What is the Syntax of IFS function?

→ The syntax of IFS function in Microsoft Excel is:

=IFS(Condition1, Value1, [Condition2, Value2],…[Condition127, Value127])

The Syntax Parameter or Syntax Arguments are:

→ Condition1 – The first condition that is checked.

→ Value1 – The value to return if the first condition is TRUE.

→ [Condition2….Condition127] – These are optional arguments, and we can use up to 127 conditions in the IFS function.

→ [Value2….Value127] – These are optional arguments, and we can use up to 127 values.

→ One condition has one corresponding value and the value would be returned when the corresponding condition will be true.

👉 Notes:

→ The IFS function would return the value of the first TRUE condition only.

→ So if we apply multiple conditions and we have multiple conditions are true the function will return only the first true condition.

→ All the conditions in the IFS function must return either TRUE or FALSE.

→ If all the conditions in the IFS function return FALSE, then the result of the IFS formula would be the #N/A error which means the value is unavailable.

Examples of IFS Function

→ This function is used when we need to check multiple conditions in a sequence and return the value when the first condition is true.

→ Like we can use this for defining the students' grades or calculating the commission based on sales.

Example-01: Student's Grade Calculation

→ We will use the IFS condition to calculate the student's grades based on their score on the exam.

→ From the below picture we have one table that contains grades and marks that is in the E and F columns.

→ As per the IFS function's syntax =IFS(Condition1, Value1, [Condition2, Value2],…[Condition127, Value127]) we will apply the formula that is mentioned below.

→ We will apply the formula =IFS(B2<35,F2,B2<51,F3,B2<71,F4,B2<86,F5,B2<100,F6)

→ So it will return the grade as per the obtained marks in the exam.

Example of IFS Function in Excel

Example-02: Commission Calculation based on Sales

→ Now we will use this function for commission calculation

→ From the below picture we have one table that shows the commission percentage based on the sale value.

→ As per the IFS function's syntax =IFS(Condition1, Value1, [Condition2, Value2],…[Condition127, Value127]) we will apply the formula that is mentioned below.

→ We will apply the formula =IFS(B2<E3,F2,B2<E4,F3,B2<E5,F4,B2<E6,F5,B2>E6,F6)*B2

→ So it will return the commission based on the sale

Sales Commission Calculation by IFS Function

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