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Types of Errors in Excel

 Types of Errors in Excel

→ We are facing different types of errors during working in Excel.

→ If we have knowledge about the errors in Excel, then it will help us to identify the possible reason and the best way to solve that error.

→ The Common errors are listed below that we are facing in excel.

→ The IFERROR Function is a great function for handling all types of errors in MS Excel

Six Types of Errors in Excel

→ Different Six types of most common errors in excel are explained below

  1. #N/A Error
  2. #DIV/0! Error
  3. #VALUE! Error
  4. #REF! Error
  5. #NAME Error
  6. #NUM Error

Six Types of Errors in Excel

01) #N/A Error

→ This error is known as the ‘Value Not Available’ error.

→ We will face this kind of error when we use the lookup formula and it cannot find the value.

→ We can also say that value is not available.

→ For better understanding refer to the below example.

→ In the below picture we can easily see that we have used the VLOOKUP Function but the value is not available so it returns as #N/A Error.

→ To remove this kind of error we can use the IFERROR Function.

→ For a better understanding of value not available error refer to the below picture.

Value Not Available Error

02) #DIV/0! Error

→ This error is known as division error.

→ We will face this kind of error when a number is divided by 0 (Zero)

→ For better understanding refer to the below example.

→ The below example, it gives a #DIV/0! Error as any value is divided with 0 (zero)

→ Refer to IFERROR Formula to remove Division Error in Excel

→ We can easily understand the division error with the below example

Division Error

03) #VALUE! Error

→ The value error happens when we use an incorrect data type in a formula.

→ For better understanding we will refer to the below example, when we try to add cells that have numbers and character A, it gives the value error.

→ This happens because we have tried to add numeric values and text characters.

IFERROR Function is the best function to deal with all types of errors in Excel

Value Error

04)  #REF! Error

→ This error is known as the reference error.

→ This error occurs when the reference in the formula is no longer valid.

→ When any formula has a reference cell value and the cell reference does not exist then #REF! error occurs.

→ Generally, this kind of error occurs when we delete any row, column, or worksheet.

→ For better understanding, we will take one example as mentioned below.

→ In this example, while the original formula was =A2/B2, but after we have deleted Column B, all the references to it became #REF! and it also gave the #REF! error as the result of the formula.

→ We can easily understand this error in the below example

Reference Error

05) #NAME? Error

→ This error is known as a Name Error.

→ This error occurs when we misspell the function name.

→ For example, if we have entered the function name as VLOKUP instead of VLOOKUP then it will give a name error.

→ For better understanding refer to the below example of a Name Error.

Name Error

06) #NUM! Error

→ This error is known as a Number Error. 

→ Number error occur when we try to calculate a very large value in Excel.

→ For example, if we try to find out the 500 power of 900 then it will show us the number error.

→ Also, we will face a number error while we give the non-valid number argument to the formula.

→ For example, if we are calculating the Square Root of a negative number then it will return a number error.

→ During using excel, if we are facing any error then we need to find out the reason for that instead of skipping that.

→ It will help us with future calculations as well.

→ So, we need to understand the reason behind the error generation.

Number Error

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