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IFERROR Function in Excel

What is the IFERROR function in Excel?

→ The MS Excel IFERROR function returns an alternate value if a formula results in an error.

→ IFERROR function checks about the different errors like #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME? or #NULL.

→ As per the condition set into the formula the IFERROR function will return the value if it founds an error in the output value.

→ The IFERROR function is a built-in function in Excel

→ We can put this function into the Logical Function Category.

How to use IFERROR function in Excel?

→ This function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.

What is the return value of the IFERROR function?

→ IFERROR function returns 0 (zero) if we do not mention anything in the syntax of the IFERROR function.

→ Also, If we have mentioned any formula into the “value_if_error” section then the function will return an array of results of that formula.

→ For better understanding we will refer to the different examples that are mentioned below.

What is the Syntax of IFERROR function?

→ The syntax of IFERROR function in Microsoft Excel is:

=IFERROR(value, value_if_error)

The Syntax Parameter or Syntax Arguments are:

→ value – this is the value that we need to check for the error. In maximum cases, it is either a formula or a cell reference.

→ value_if_error – this is the value to return if there is an error.

→ There are different types of errors that we are facing during working with Excel such as: #N/A, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #VALUE!, #NUM!, #NAME?, and #NULL!.

👉 Example of Error in MS Excel:

→ We can see an error #N/A Error in the below example:

Example of Error in Excel

👉 Note:

→ If we use “” as the value_if_error argument that means the function will return blank cell if there is an error.

Example of IFERROR Function:

→ Now for a better understanding of this function, we will refer to the below example

→ We can easily see there is a #DIV/0! error in this example.

→ This error occurs because 0 (zero) is in the denominator in our formula =A1/A2

Example of Error in IFERROR Function in Excel

→ Now we will use the IFERROR function to remove the error.

→ As we can see from the below example we have used the formula =IFERROR(A1/A2,"")

→ So here we have mentioned the "value_if_error" is "".

→ So as a result, we will get a blank cell.

Example of IFERROR Function in Excel

→ If the "value_if_error" portion we keep blank then we will get output as 0 (zero).

→ Refer to the below example, we have not mentioned anything in the "value_if_error" portion so we get output 0 (zero)

Example of IFERROR Function

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