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Sum Function in MS Excel

What is a Sum function in Excel?

→ The Microsoft Excel SUM function is used to add all numbers in a range of cells.
→ This function is a built-in worksheet function in Excel that is categorized as a Math Function.
→ We need to enter this function as a formula in the cell.
→ It returns a numeric value.
➨ How to use the SUM Function in MS Excel?
→ Refer below tutorial for easily understand how to use with syntax and examples.
→ We can easily use this function just adding the formula in the spreadsheet.

What is the Syntax of the Sum Function?

→ The syntax is mentioned below:

=SUM( number1, [number2, ... number_n] )


=SUM( cell1:cell2, [cell3:cell4], ... )

➨ Note: By using this function, you can add cell range and numbers together. As mentioned below.

=SUM(number1, [number2, …], cell1:cell2, [cell3:cell4], …)

Examples of Sum Function:

→ Different examples of how we can use this function in the Excel spreadsheet are explained below.

Example 1: Sum between multiple cells
In this example, we can understand how we can add the numeric value of multiple cells. You can easily see this in the below examples.
The formula we have applied =SUM(A2,A3). This formula adds the number available in cell A2 and A3.
→ So the result will be =SUM(A2,A3) = (12+25) = 37

Sum_Function Example 1

Example 2: Sum between multiple cells and numbers
In this example, we can understand how we can apply the function for making a sum between multiple cells and numbers. You can easily see this in the below picture.
The formula we have applied =SUM(A2,B3,25). This formula adds the number is available in cell A2, B3, and absolute number 25.
→ So the result will be =SUM(A2,B3,45) = (12+9.5+25) = 46.5

Sum_Function Example 2

Example 3: Sum between multiple cell ranges
In this example, we can understand how we can apply the function for making a sum between multiple cell ranges. You can easily see this in the below picture.
The formula we have applied =SUM(A2:A4,B2:B4). This formula adds the number is available in cell range A2:A4 and B2:B4.
→ So the result will be =SUM(A2:A4,B2:B4) = (12+25+30+4.5+9.5+3.5) = 84.5

Sum_Function Example 3

Example 4: Sum between multiple cells, cell ranges, and numbers
In this example, we can understand how we can apply the function between cells, cell ranges, and absolute numbers. You can easily see this in the below picture.
The formula we have applied =SUM(A2:A6,B2,B3,25). This formula adds the number is available in cell range A2:A6, B2, B3, and 25.
→ So the result will be =SUM(A2:A6,B2,B3,25) = (12+25+30+10+5+4.5+9.5+25) = 121.

Sum_Function Example 4

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