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Excel Basics Introduction

→ Microsoft Excel is a software that is developed by Microsoft.
→ This is mainly related to the spreadsheet and used for various types of calculations like financial, statistical, or mathematical, graphical representation, pivot tables, and macro programming in visual basic language for various applications.
→ MS Excel is available for various Operating Systems like Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
→ It has been very widely used across the world.

Why Should I Learn MS Excel?

→ In our daily office work or in business we all deal with numbers in one way or the other.
→ So, MS Excel is very helpful for the analysis and representation.
→It will help us to grow our business and career.
→ In this tutorial, we will understand the very basic and fundamental things of Microsoft Excel.
→ You can see the typical basic application window of the MS Excel.
→ For better understanding, we have mentioned the numbers with the specific features of Excel.
→ In this picture, you are showing the Microsoft Excel Application Window.
→ This is the main part of MS Excel. In this window, you can perform various tasks as per your requirement.
→Now we will understand all functions and applications of the various tools.

1. Quick Access Toolbar:

→ The Quick Access Toolbar helps us access common commands.
→ By default, it includes the Save, Undo, and Repeat commands.
→ We can add other commands depending on our requirements.
→ To add commands to the Quick Access toolbar click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Quick Access toolbar.

2. The Ribbon:

→ MS Excel version after 2013 uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus.
→ The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each tab has several groups of commands and function.
→ We can use these tabs to perform various tasks in MS Excel.

→ The Ribbon is designed to respond to our current task, but we can choose to minimize it as per our requirement.
→ We can minimize it if we find that it occupies up too much screen space.
→ Click the Ribbon Display Options arrow in the upper-right corner of the Ribbon as mentioned in the below picture.

→ Select the option from the drop-down menu as required. We have three choices as mentioned below.
→ (i) Auto-hide Ribbon: This option auto-hide displays your workbook in full-screen mode and completely hides the Ribbon.
→ (ii) Show Tabs: This option all tabs will remain visible but the command will not visible. To show the Ribbon, simply click a show tab from the top of the screen.
→ (iii) Show Tabs and Commands: This option maximizes the Ribbon.
→ By selecting this option we can make all commands and tabs visible. This option is selected by default when you open Excel for the first time.

3. Command Group:

→ Under the various tabs of Ribbon, you can find the various command related to the tab just by clicking the tab.
→  For better understanding refer to the below picture.

4. Cell Address/Name Box:

→  The Name box displays the location or "name" of a selected cell. It is also known as a cell address box.
→  In the below picture, cell B2 is selected. Note that cell B2 is where column B and row 2 intersect.

5. Formula Bar:

→  Formula Bar in Excel is a section where we can see values and formulas stored in it.
→  The Formula generally is already seen below the menu bar.
→  The content of the current cell or where the selection is pointed will be visible in the formula bar. It includes (i) Current cell selection, (ii) The formula applied in the active cell, (iii) The range of cells selected in the excel.

6. Column:

→  Microsoft Excel is in a tabular format consisting of rows and columns.
→  The column runs vertically.
→  Each column is identified by the column header, which runs horizontally at the top of the sheet.
→  In the latest version of MS Excel having 16,384 columns. It may change based on the version.
→  Columns are identified by letters (A, B, C, ...).

7. Cell:

→  The intersection of rows and columns is called a cell.
→  The cell is identified with a Combination of the column header and row number.
→  For example, we can see the cell B2 in the below picture.

8. Row:

→  Microsoft Excel is in tabular format consisting of rows and columns.
→  Row runs Horizontally.
→  Each row is identified by row header, which runs vertically at the left side of the sheet.
→  In the latest version of MS Excel having 1,048,576 rows. It may change based on version.
→  Rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3, ...)

9. Work Sheet:

→ In MS-Excel a Worksheet is a collection of cells organized in rows and columns.
→ It is the working surface and we interact with a worksheet to enter data.
→ Each worksheet contains 1048576 rows and 16384 columns.
→ It serves as a giant table that allows us to organize information.
→ The workbook contains many worksheets and only one of the worksheets is active at a time.

10. Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bar:

→ With the help of the scroll bar, we can scroll our worksheet up and down as well right and left.
→ We can scroll our worksheet up and down by vertical scroll bar and from left to right with the help of a horizontal scroll bar.

11. Worksheet Views:

→ Excel 2013 and after 2013 versions have a different viewing options that change how our workbook is displayed.
→ The worksheet has three views as mentioned in below picture
(i) Normal view,
(ii) Page Layout view,
(iii) Page Break view
→ To change worksheet views, locate and select the desired worksheet view command in the bottom-right corner of the Excel window as shown in the picture.

12. Zoom Control:

→ Zoom control helps us to zoom in and zoom out the current working excel worksheet.
→ To use the Zoom control, click and drag the slider.
→ The number to the right of the slider reflects the zoom percentage.

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