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DAY function in Excel

What is the DAY function in Excel?

→ The MS Excel DAY function returns the day of the month (a number from 1 to 31) given in a date value.

→ It is a built-in function in Microsoft Excel, and we can put it in the DATE/Time Function Category.

→ It is a worksheet function. So we can enter this function directly as a cell value.

→ With the help of this function, we can extract the day value from the date.

What is the syntax of the DAY function?

→ The syntax for the DAY function in Microsoft Excel is:


The Syntax Parameter or Syntax Arguments of DAY function are:

➨ date - A valid Excel date.

Examples of the DAY Function:

→ For a detailed understanding, we will take some examples as mentioned below.

→ As we know the syntax of the DAY Function =DAY(date), So we will take example accordingly.

Example 1 of DAY Function in Excel

Example – 01:

→ We will take this example by using syntax =DAY(date), From the above picture, the formula will be =DAY(A2). And it will return the day = 1. (for the date 01-05-2020 → date is in dd-mm-yyyy).

Example 2

Example – 02:

→ We will take this example by using syntax =DAY(date), and in this example, we will give input as an absolute date to the formula as we can see in the above picture.

→ So the formula will be =DAY("31-05-2020").

→ And it will return the day = 31. (for the date 31-05-2020 →  date is in dd-mm-yyyy).

Example 3

Example – 03:

→ We will take this example by using syntax =DAY(date), and in this example, we will give input as a different date format as we can see in the above picture.

→ So the formula will be =DAY("23-May-2020").

→ And it will return the day = 23.

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